The following is meant as a guide only. The Signal Conditioner may be ordered by
simply specifying input, output, function, power and assembly / enclosure requirements.
You may specify these in any order and add any comments you feel are important.
Note: Please contact our Domain Engineering staff if you are unsure of which
Signal Conditioner to specify for your application. We will also work with you to
develop OEM products.
Step 1: Select the AGM Product Number that corresponds to your typical input
/ output or function requirements using the
Product by Input / Output Table
or the
Product by Function Table.
Step 2: Identify your specific Input / Output calibration requirements. Note:
Auxiliary current transformer for AC Current (0/5 ampere) inputs signals are furnished
at no cost.
Step 3: Identify your available power.
Step 4: Select Assembly type. Refer to the
Enclosure / Assembly Data Sheet
for options. Note: DIN mounting clips are furnished at no cost. AUX, HPM, & DIN
assemblies complete as shipped.
Step 5: Place an order by sending AGM a Message or by Phone (520) 722-1000
Following are examples of Signal Conditioner orders:
1. Pulse Duration Transmitter, 4/20 mADC in, 3/12,15 sec out, 120 VAC powered,
mounted in NEMA IV enclosure.
2. DIN4000-13, 1/5 VDC in, 4/20 madc out, 12 VDC powered.
3. HPM5100-15, 0/1000 PPS, mag pickup, 2 wire, loop powered.
4. AUX4006-0, 4/20 mADC in, 4/20 mADC out, exponent = 2.5, 24 VDC powered.
5. DC to DC Isolator, 4/20 mADC in and out, PTA assy, 120 VAC, 1600 ohm drive
Note: Be sure to include your name and a contact number in case we have any
questions regarding your order